Quality and Love - Meena Kukreti

Quality is a measuring scale to achieve satisfaction by doing the right things on time. It depends on others' needs. We all know that education is the backbone of our society. Education not only prepares a student for a job but also develops the overall personality of an individual. So it is necessary to give quality education to the children. Moral values and ethics should be a part of the curriculum to help a child live a good living.

Things to be kept in mind while dealing with students.

Recognize the reason- when I see that the child is doing untidy work I observe the child and find the reason why the child is doing so. We see some students' words and sentences floating above or below. It could be because of poor motor control. Maybe there is some family problem so the child is not doing homework properly. In some cases, I have seen that the students are impulsive. They may rush through assignments. So they make many mistakes and do sloppy work. Some students have visual problems, maybe they don't understand the concept.
As an educator when I deal with such students I approach them by doing such things.

● Patience- We all know that it is not easy to do in one day. It takes time to improve their work. So we have to be patient. In our school, I sit with small children and help them practice how to hold a pencil and keep notebooks in the proper place while writing. I approach the child with a calm and supportive attitude.

● Proper fine motor skills - When a child has messy handwriting because of poor motor control I teach them proper fine motor skills by giving them tracing exercises, drawing work and paper cutting work. Sometimes we do cooking activities in the school and children help in peeling and cutting vegetables and fruits which develop their motor control.

●Allow for movement and breaks- For the impulsive child, I allow him/her for movement and breaks. I ask to erase the board, collect paper and do other tasks.

● Active guidance- I know that some children do shoddy jobs in classwork so when I give them work I move around the class and check in on their work and correct it. If they have a problem I help them and give individual attention.

● Teach time management- It is an effective method to teach students about time. Poor time management can lead to sloppy assignments. I give them time to complete the work and refuse to accept work before a certain time and it improves their writing skills.

● Include activities and games- Some students don't understand by chalk and talk method. They like creative work and enjoy it. They learn easily through activities and games. So I use it in the class to encourage them to take an interest and avoid mistakes.

● Homework according to students' needs- I give homework according to the student's interests and strengths. If I want to improve their writing skill I give only two lines to write.  Sometimes I give them only revision work or classwork for homework. I consider shortening work so if I want an essay instead of a long essay I give them paragraph writing. 

Love is a strong feeling of deep affection and care that comes from the heart. Love brings patience, respect and understanding. It is a trust we place in someone. There is no space for jealousy and expectations. It has the power to bind the world together and make us happy. It gives us energy and motivation in difficult times. Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. Love is considered to be both positive and negative, with its virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection, as "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another" and its vice representing human moral flaw,  selfishness.

If two underage students are in a romantic relationship I keep some points in mind while dealing with them.

Adolescence or teenage is the most crucial time for a person. At this age, many changes happened in personal life and school like physical, social and emotional changes. It shows in their looks and interest.  They like independence and privacy. They make friends for lifetimes.  Students develop affection for each other because they spend more time together in school. Sometimes they have peer pressure. 

Understand them- When underage students are in a romantic relationship we have to understand their feelings and emotions. In adolescence, different changes occur in our brain. They seek acceptance and belonging among friends. Hormonal changes occur at this age so we have to observe them quietly and if something bothers them we have to ask if they would like to talk about it.

Communicate about love and relation-
We have to be open-minded and create an emotionally safe space for discussion, sharing and problem-solving. Talk about love in a general context. Use open discussion, ask their opinions, thoughts and ideas about love. We have to tell them about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Tell them that they must have trust, honesty and respect in a healthy relationship.
So  We have to tell them to focus on their studies and think About higher education and career and not wasting time on unreal affection. Sometimes students are influenced by movies and novels so we have to make them understand stories and real-life situations. 

Avoid harsh punishment -We have to avoid punishment and encourage them to pursue an interest or hobby instead of trying to break the friendship. They can derive a similar feeling of self-esteem and importance by engaging in activities and less depending on romance.

Talk about unconditional love- You should love yourself and each other in any condition whether we are happy or sad. We have to forgive when someone makes a mistake. We have to tell them about nature, which gives us many things unconditionally. So we have to care about our environment and do some activities with students like plantation cleaning the school campus or gardening. Explain to them how these actions show love towards nature. 

Help them define boundaries- we have to tell them that they must make personal boundaries that protect them against physical abuse. They have to understand the other's values and what is right or wrong for them.

-Meena Kukreti @JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun 

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