Dhruvtara powered by Slooh

Soumyajeet Solanki of Grade 5 at The Fabindia School has been ranked 1st in Asia. He has earned 3080 Gravity points and 5 Badges.


Slooh is designed to empower students in class as a part of the curriculum, and also in a co-curricular or extracurricular manner so students can explore space on their own with direct support from our astronomy educators. It offers astronomy engaging and affordable for schools without the requisite equipment or expertise on staff by providing direct access to astronomy educators and real-time viewing and control of robotic telescopes, including seven telescopes situated at one of the world’s top observatory sites.

Since 2003, Slooh has enabled people to explore the universe together through its global network of telescopes. Slooh’s automated observatories develop celestial images in real-time for broadcast to the Internet. Slooh members have taken over 5 million photos/150,000 FITS of over 50,000 celestial objects, participated in numerous discoveries with leading astronomical institutions and made over 3,000 submissions to the Minor Planet Center. By the end of 2020, Slooh has 17 online telescopes on three continents covering 20+ hours per day.

Learn to explore space https://slooh.com/

Michael Paolucci mike@slooh.com

Post courtesy Rajeshree Shihag, The Fabindia School

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