Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Gratitude - Ajay Vijayvargi

                                                   Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude,
 Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness,
Thankfulness may merely consist of words,
Gratitude is shown in acts.
 -David O McKay.
In today’s time, we are so busy and self-centred, meeting the deadlines of professional and personal commitments that we often forget to practice basic human values.

Thanks to the pandemic which has given us the time to rethink and practice the old value system – respecting and caring the elders, self-control to stay home with our families, rebuilding communications with old friends and relatives, being generous to help poor and needy in whichever way we can help them, preserving atmosphere – less travelling to and fro from workplaces, visiting places in our own or other means of transport (reducing pollution).

While observing the above, one thing that we all have realised is being thankful for this life and everything around- this virtue is called 'Gratitude'. 

Gratitude is the highest form of appreciation for the kindness of others. Just imagine people in our surroundings – maid, sweepers, driver, milkman, cab driver … we never ever bother or think about our lives without them, women can understand the misery if in the morning the maid rings up and informs that she won`t be able to come, milkman or news hawker do not deliver milk or newspaper on time, sweeper not cleaning surroundings for two or three days.

During the pandemic, we understood the importance of our health workers –medical and paramedical staff, lot many visuals and video on social media show our gesture of thankfulness to them. 
Being grateful need not require any monetary involvements necessarily- a simple `thank you` with a smile will make the day of the recipient and who in turn will make the day of many others. It is a chain and we simply need to start or be a part of it by continuing it.

We should always be grateful to others and necessarily put it in actions-a simple gesture is enough –Try it once.
Gratitude can turn negative into positive
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
And they will become your blessings.
Ajay Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School

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