Learnings for Students - Manish Jaiswal

Remembering Gandhiji and Shastriji

Dear Students, 

I hope everyone is quite healthy and happy while my article is touching you.

 2nd October is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti across the country. Both the leaders are known for their great ideals and patriotic feeling towards the country. Therefore, We all bow towards their devotion and spirit which made us breathe in the air of independence. 

As a student, you can learn a lot of inspiration from their ideals. If we observe minutely we will find their ideals to be very relevant in the current scenario of student motivation. I am describing briefly some of their ideas and how they are beneficial for the students if they adopt them in their life.

 Ideals of Gandhiji and Shastriji

1. Truth & Honesty - A students should be true towards his words and deeds because it leads to success always.

2. Self-respect- Feeling of self-respect always generates belief in ones own capability and drive towards self-dependency.

3.Non violence- Non-violence principle wins everyone's heart and the student always should always follow it.

4. Determination- Will power is the most important tool of a student. Will power is driven by the desire to succeed.

5. Work hard- It is a common saying that "hard work always pays". And also "there is no shortcut to success".

6.Peace- Peace of body, mind and soul always helps us to think critically and to take best decisions all the times.

7. Love towards country, society & family-

It always drives us on the right path and prevents us from falling into wrong activities.

8.Equality- Feeling of equality generates harmony and a sense of cooperation among the colleagues in a batch. So this teamwork will boost us towards success.

9. Leadership-This quality always guides us to excel in whatever field we are struggling with.

10. Patience- Patience is the jewel in the character of a student because a good listener and reader always become a good leader and speaker.

Once again I bow down to both these leaders and request all my students to follow there ideals in your own life. This will definitely and lighten your path of success.

Thank you, everyone.

Manish Jaiswal

The Fabindia School <mjl@fabindiaschools.in>

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