BE POSITIVE - Byju Joseph

Life is the greatest gift of God. It is a combination of happiness and sorrow. Everything happens for good in our life. It passes through good and bad times. You need to face bravely the bad times to know how the good times feel and to enjoy them sweetly.

Life is like a journey through a dark tunnel, but you should know that it has an end where you can find the light. You need to take up the hardships once to rejoice later. Don’t forget that you can get a wide view only after you have reached the top of the mountain. You need to feel the coldness to understand the hotness. You have to fall down once to know how it feels to stand up with your head above. There is nothing to worry about the hardships in your life. 

Be hopeful, everything will change and there will be a new dawn. You have to realise that your struggles are there to help you to be stronger than ever. Your strength comes out only through your struggles. These difficulties are required to survive in your life. Life can be full of challenges, but you should know only challenges create success. In life nothing goes waste, everything comes worth.

You should be thankful for everything. If you have hard times just know you need it to strengthen yourself, it was a blessing in disguise. You cannot control everything in your life, sometimes you need to let it happen in its own way, sometimes you need to make it happen in your own way.

Learn from your life, survive those challenges, rise above and be a reason that others won’t give up in their lives just like you. You should feel blessed as you have got a life to live even if it is full of struggles, still, you can make it beautiful.

Byju Joseph
The Fabindia School

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