India’s National Education Policy, 2020: Merging Cognitive with Creative

AI-driven system maps learning

In July 2020, the Indian govt introduced a new National Education Policy (NEP) which proposed extensive changes to India’s existing educational framework. The overarching theme is to tap the creative potential of every student. 

The current education system stresses the need of creation of a structure which looks at each student individually; a system which not only intelligently assesses academic strengths and weaknesses, but more importantly identifies inherent interest, learning preference, and creative and critical thinking abilities. 

The NEP makes an attempt to focus on the merging of 2 major aspects of a student’s development: cognitive and creative. The emphasis is on experiential learning and critical thinking

The NEP promises “no hard separations between arts and sciences, between curricular and extracurricular activities, between vocational and academic streams, etc. in order to eliminate harmful hierarchies among, and silos between different areas of learning;

Highlighting the importance of the uniqueness of every student, the NEP asks schools to recognize, identify and foster the unique capabilities of each student in both academic and non-academic spheres.

However, with about 230 million students enrolled in school, this may seem like a Herculean task spread over 14 years (K-12). Even if a school decided to do this using traditional methods of written and oral exams, homework, and workshops, it would require a large group of extremely dedicated and motivated teaching and management staff to put in multiple extra hours to maintain and update such a system. Not only this, but it would also require frequent PTA meetings, and extremely dedicated and informed parents to relay information when the student develops new extracurricular interests, begins to resent certain subjects, or shows particular interest in tampering with household electronics. And let’s not forget the large administrative support such a manually maintained and updated “uniqueness tracker” would require.  

It is safe to say that something like this would fail unless it is backed by technology in a big way. The NEP also recommends “extensive use of technology in teaching and learning”. Instead of looking at technology as merely a computer with an Internet connection to teach online, it can be seen as a tool to intelligently diagnose learning patterns and inherent talents, boost productivity, and master skills

Myelin is one such technology platform which attempts to achieve the guidelines and vision set by NEP. It is a single-point solution to manage and propel students’ academic and allied success. 

Myelin’s AI-driven system maps learning patterns including the medium of learning which the student responds to the best, subject (and extra-curricular) the student can easily master and discover his/her interests and abilities. Intelligent reports with in-depth analysis and subjective recommendations which can replace traditional marks-based report cards. Myelin promotes healthy parental involvement by acting as an easy channel communication channel between them and the teachers. In addition, Myelin harmoniously blends into any school’s functioning enabling optimized operations for every member of the school from the management to external vendors.

2020’s NEP sets an encouraging benchmark for schools to aspire to and is the step in the right direction, but its success hinges on the efficacy of its implementation!

Dheeraj Nayyar

Head of Global Alliances and Growth @Zenworks Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 

myelin is a one-stop communication channel for all the stakeholders of a school to communicate effectively. Using an AI engine, it derives actionable insights from the various forms of communication to drive student and school success. The platform helps schools make data-driven decisions to strengthen Governance and achieve learning effectiveness

1 comment:

  1. Technology is not just an enabler but it’s transformation opportunity. Big change like NEP-2020 demands execution excellence, management by exception to deliver huge transformation initiative in country like India. Starting early on process and policy implementation , collecting right data points may help calibrate and make course corrections. Well written article and introduction to one such product


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