Failure is the Stepping Stone to Success - Bharti Rao

"It's impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default" - J.K. Rowling

The word 'Failure' is like a terror for many. Everyone is afraid to fail. No one wants to fail, but one has to remember that failure is inevitable. Great people have also failed innumerable times before they succeeded in life. For them, failure was just an attempt to learn something new. With every failure, they tried to improve themselves.

We should always have a positive look towards failures. Failure is the stepping stone to success. It is an opportunity to do better and they are learning lessons for us. Those who learn from failure are ones who sooner or later succeed in life. Such people resolve to overcome their weaknesses and shortcomings and shift to the lessons they can learn from them.

Failures and setbacks are a normal part of life. They make us understand where we can improve and encourage them to persist. Wise people always take advantage of failures, so be optimistic and learn from your failures.

Courtesy Source:

Bharti Rao
The Fabindia School

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