Seeing With New Eyes

When we see a picture we appreciate or dislike it as to our liking. But when we see what is not shown in the picture which is imaginative that is what called “Seeing With New Eyes”. So is the case of the classroom, the students who do their work neatly and corrections are appreciated, but others are not.
An educator must try to see good work done by the slow learners and motivate them to do more. This will increase the confidence of the students and he/she will take more interest to do his/her work and will slowly become good in his/her work. But when they are not appreciated it creates a negative impact. An educator should use audio-visual effects while teaching. This helps in learning in a better way.
The students can explore more when more creative and audio-visual work is used while teaching. This will help to increase the student's creativity and they will slowly be able to see beyond the pictures shown and thus develop their think skills. They will develop moral values and it will help them to become good human beings and thus it will be great step to preserve humanity. It is scientifically proven that audio-visual aids leave a more powerful effect on the learners than normal lectures.
An educator just by looking at his class can make out if there is something different in the classroom. He/she can find if any student is disturbed in the class and help him/her by solving the problem. Two words of love and care of an educator will make the student feel much better. Thus everyone must be able to see beyond the picture and try to help the students in every possible way and face the world with courage.
Our learning from: Can you teach a Zebra some Algebra - by Debashis Chatterjee.
- Aysha Tak, Prerna Rathod & Suresh Singh Negi of The Fabindia School

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