Happiness and Tolerance - Flyers DGS

A happy Child is a happy Adult, A happy Adult is a happy Citizen, A happy Citizen is a Contributor to a happy Society, which ultimately brings peace to the world.

Are happy people more tolerant or tolerant people happier? This is a debatable topic. So, let's dig more into the topic.

Happiness is a feeling of satisfaction and a feeling that leads to inner peace. We can find happiness in minute things like in the smile of a baby, also in big things like when one achieves something or even in helping someone without any reason or expectation.

Tolerance helps us to live peacefully with others. It is forgiveness and willingness to accept others and their beliefs. We become tolerant when we start accepting the people as they are and start behaving and treating everyone as equal. Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life. It leads us to less stress and greater happiness in the overall community.

These lines beautifully depict happiness and tolerance –
धैर्य है धर्म की जननी, इससे पनपते गुण सारे, इसे अपनाने वाले बनते हैं सबके प्यारे।
धैर्यवान बनकर समाज का करो तुम कल्याण, ऐसे लोगों को करते हैं सब, शत-शत प्रणाम।
धन को जब खुशी के तराजू में तोला जाता है, खुशियां बटोरने का ताज इसे ही बनाया जाता,तब
खुशी का मायना ही बदल कर रख दिया जाता है।
खुशी जब खुशी को बढ़ाती है, तब हर चेहरे की मुस्कान खिलखिलाती है।
तब सत्य -संसार रचता है।
धैर्य -खुशी का दामन बुनता है।
तब यह कहानी सत्य कहानी कहता है ।

One of our team members shares her story, how happiness and tolerance is intertwined.

The little boy in one of the class was an average student academically. He was very quiet and was unable to make friends. He appeared to be a sensitive child with a lot of aggression as well. He missed his mother a lot.  In his free time, he used to draw guns and tanks. He wanted to become a policeman as his father was a policeman.

The classmates, dorm mates and even the matron complained about his behaviour. Thus, close observation in and out of the classroom resulted in doubt of something unusual and professional guidance would be beneficial. Thereafter in the class to calm him down, a little help from his classmates was considered, which ultimately instilled tolerance in the rest of the class.

During the Parents’-Teachers’ Meet, the parents of the child were informed about the observation and behaviour of the child. They patiently heard the teacher and thanked her for her concern about their child. However, the parents thereafter, got the boy tested and checked in Delhi, which revealed the child suffered from Autism - mild stage. He had social, behavioural issues which could be encountered with the guidelines given by the doctor.

Thereafter through stories and roleplays other children in the class were made to understand about Autism and other learning disabilities, but to our surprise children showed tolerance and created an extremely happy environment in class. The students of that class performed a skit on the stage in the Assembly, based on learning disabilities, including the boy with Autism resulting in an inclusive classroom. This ultimately made the boy feel comfortable, accepted and HAPPY!

Tolerance is the real antidote of happiness which is the ultimate goal of human development. Happiness increases the probability of sustainable world peace and all-round global growth. Every tiny step towards the creation of happiness and removal of misery helps emanate powerful positive vibrations in the universe. Each grain of joy one sows in the bosom of fellow human being and every resentful thought one can pull out from another’s heart shall definitely emanate peace and joy in one’s own soul. 
So, it is clear that happiness and tolerance go hand in hand.

Written happily by – Flyers DGS @ The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun - Vijaya Jugran, Vandana Goel, Urvashi Uniyal, Nandini Arora, Bhumika Vyas & Ritika Tyagi.

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