Unity and Caring - Richa Solanki

Unity means being together. It means standing together and to work together as a team. Unity is a very important message that every parent should spend time or share with their children and also should tell about the relevance and need for unity. They should set an example by creating a healthy environment at home where everyone loves in coordination with each other. We also see that there is a fight or struggle on the basis of the individual issues of people without the unity, they cannot even understand that unity gives us strength and strength gives us intellectual food to live peacefully as well as connected with all.

In earlier times, people in the joint family were connected with their relatives. Our country is full of tradition and culture of staying together and helping each other is a part of our culture. Joint family is the biggest example. Those systems have prevailed in our country.

Unlike modern time in the past the families did not only live together but also bonded well with each other and staying united helped them in many ways.  Caring is when you think as and do something good for someone because it is the right thing to do. When you care for someone it shows love and caring for others it is wonderful and nice. We are caring for anyone, it builds feelings of love and strong relationships. Caring helps to connect with people and develop empathy in difficult times.  Caring for others is so powerful because it creates deeper bonds and supports emotionally. Caring also develops the feeling of personal growth because when we care we just gain so many skills from experience.  It also teaches important values such as patience, understanding and loyalty that benefit individuals in both their personal and professional lives.

Our mother, father, teachers, grandfather and mother, they have many challenges to take care of things and life gives them many tasks to complete. So, caring for someone will teach some new things and values of life and help us to live our life with happiness. Sharing is caring. If we share love, happiness, sorrows and many emotions and try to help someone it makes you a good person. 

Richa Solanki 
The Fabindia School

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