World Heart Day - Ajay Vijayvargi

It is celebrated on 29th September every year so as to develop an awareness in masses about healthy heart and reduce the risk of heart diseases. It was launched in 2000 by the World Heart Federation to reduce the loss of 17 million lives every year which is more than lives lost by Cancer, Malaria and HIV.

To create the awareness important buildings are illuminated with red lights to generate awareness about heart diseases on this day along with organizing activities like marathons, fitness sessions, exhibitions and seminars to discuss new threats and remedies to heart diseases.

If we need to keep a healthy heart we need to follow a healthy lifestyle which should include regular exercises, balance diets, reduce and stop smoking and say no to alcohol.

Besides these factors junk foods, hectic lifestyles, hypertension, obesity etc also leads to the unhealthy heart thereby causing death tolls by heart attacks and heart failures.

These celebrations should not be a one-day event but we all need to be serious about cardiovascular irregularities and if we suffer and are under medical supervision due to heart diseases,  medical advice and precautions should be taken seriously and healthy lifestyle with dietary regulations will be a great help in lowering the risks.

Ajay Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School
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