My Good School - Where Passion Meets Education


This book is for parents to select the school for their child, as the choice can have a lifelong impact on the growth and personality of the child.

A guide for you to look beyond that high-rise building and those perfectly manicured lawns—to go deeper in your search for your good school. It will encourage you to observe, question, and evaluate, and choose a school that will truly prepare your child for a life beyond the campus, a life beyond theory, a life beyond algebra.

This book will help educators, school administrators and management to build and rebuild such institutions and change the future of learning.

Enriched with the knowledge, experience and, most importantly, the wisdom of The Doon School alumnus and school improvement coach Sandeep Dutt, this book will encourage conversations around our education system and help shape the future of education in the world.


• The author, Sandeep Dutt, is an alumnus of the Doon School and he has decades-long experience of working with schools to improve their outlook in qualitative terms.

• With the New Education Policy coming in, education has again become a focus area for our country.

This book caters to a wide audience—from parents to teachers to school management.

Inside the book

Section I The What, the Why and the How of Teaching

  1. Why go to school?
  2. Quality in education
  3. How your child learns the best
  4. Performance scores must be honest
  5. People, process and outcomes
  6. Choice of curriculum
  7. Building schools with quality
  8. Fun in learning, learning is fun
  9. Life is parenting
  10. An eager child or an enthusiastic teacher?
  11. Why teachers are averse to change

Section II Redefining Education and Learning

  1. Reading at the heart of education
  2. Innovation and design
  3. The art of writing in school
  4. The Annual Day at school
  5. Schools must provide knowledge, not mere information
  6. Value of liberal arts education
  7. Humanity must learn humanities
  8. New teaching and learning approaches
  9. Freedom to perform

Section III Lessons for Life

  1. What education does
  2. School bell: The first lesson in time management
  3. Going to school
  4. Learning: From isolation to collaboration
  5. Teachers travel with you all your life
  6. Personal and social development at school
  7. Real-world learning
  8. Today is the day when you define for yourself

Section IV School Leadership

  1. Leadership begins and ends at the top
  2. Principal as the chief learning leader
  3. Student leader: Mentor or monitor?
  4. Smart teachers make smart classes
  5. Conclusion: My Good School—where passion meets education


SANDEEP DUTT is a school coach, bookseller, runner, mountaineer and social entrepreneur. His work for the International Award for Young People (IAYP) has been widely acknowledged all over the world. As a social entrepreneur, Sandeep works to empower young people and has been a mentor for many. His mission is to ‘help schools deliver better’ with a focus on building professional learning communities at schools. Find out more about the author

Get. your author-signed copies only from The English  Book Depot
ISBN 978-93-90547-40-1
Price Rs 295.00 - By Post, Free Delivery in India only
All earning from the book will go the Learning Forward India Foundation

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