Seek Discomfort - Urmila Rathore

Seek discomfort means a lot to humanity. Seek means to try to find and discomfort means to go out of comfort zone. Seek discomfort means to challenge yourself. It is to go beyond the "safety limits" and "comfort zone". 

To me, it means getting out of your comfort zone as often as possible so that you can be a stronger and more experienced version of yourself. For example, a person who travels a lot becomes more comfortable with different cultural customs, foods, and lifestyles.

Seek discomfort, in my opinion, is one of the ways to success - it reminds us to achieve our dreams and also gives an adventurous life. There is a creator group named 'Yes Theory' who follows this motto too.

Similarly, we can overcome our fears and become comfortable in discomfort in many ways like,
  • Pushing our limits.
  • Meeting with different people.
  • Working hard for what we aspire.
Urmila Rathore
The Fabindia School

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