Simplicity and Trust - Flyers DGS

           सादगी और विश्वास- यह कोई नया विषय नहीं है बल्कि इतिहास के पृष्ठों पर अटल स्मृतियां हैं। बंदर जाति, साधारण- पर राम का विश्वास पाकर समुद्र पर पुल बांधा। मुरा साधारण व्यक्तित्व, चाणक्य का विश्वास पाकर चंद्रगुप्त को महान सम्राट बना गई। अहिंसा पर विश्वास करने वाले महात्मा गांधी-पर स्वराज्य का स्वप्न पूर्ण किया। साधारण व्यक्तित्व की पन्नाधाय- उदय सिंह को पुनः राज्य प्राप्ति। दूर क्यों जाएं, वर्तमान में हमारे प्रधानमंत्री सादगी और विश्वास की प्रतिमूर्ति।

                                            गुदड़ी के लाल की यह पहचान, विश्वास व सादगी है जिसकी शान ।

                                          Simplicity and trust are two beautiful values which we require to build strong inter and intra-personal relationships. We easily trust people who are simple in their thoughts and reflect honesty. We asked a few questions related to these two values from the members of our group and they came up with beautiful replies.

1. What do simplicity and trust mean to you?  

Nandini: Trust is a foundation stone of any relationship; we lack the strength of any relationship in the absence of Trust. And to trust others, we need to trust ourselves first, we should have faith in ourselves. When we meet a child, talk to him or her, listen to the child carefully, give responses to his or her talks, show concern, share our realities, keep their secrets, remember their responses, keep our words and trust the child, we build trust towards each other. 

Simplicity means being simple, real and natural. It means being what you are, what you think and what you feel. 
2. What are the qualities that you look in others before trusting them?  

Urvashi: I would definitely look for the qualities that the person is truthful about himself/herself as well as others. Always keeps his/her words. It is someone in whom you can confide your deepest secrets without giving a second thought. I can trust someone who avoids water cooler gossips and rumour-mongering. Last but not the least beliefs in long term relationships than short term gains. 


3. Do you think simplicity and trust are interlinked to each other? 

Vandana: Simplicity and trust complete each other. If a person is simple transparent and clear in his thoughts and actions, he is bound to be trustworthy and hence both go hand in hand. Cunningness and complexity in nature of an individual cannot win him trust and he himself cant feel the pride of his own Being. 


4. Is it true that a smart person can be simple too?

Bhumika: This question makes me wonder, arent we all given a blank sheet of paper when we are born which is absolutely simple and while we grow up, that simplicity stays with a few and a few people are multifarious. But does that mean with a few people with whom simplicity continues to be a part of life are not Smart? Smart people are generally simple and for me, the definition of simplicity goes hand in hand with smartness. A simple and a smart person comprises of a person who is compassionate, thinker, kind, loving, trustworthy, adaptable and honest. Therefore, it’s easy to conclude that Simplicity and Smartness is effortless,

 and they are a part of each other. 

5. Why is it important for children to learn these two values -Simplicity and trust?     

Ritika:  Children are naturally innocent and simple. It is very important to nurture this simplicity in them and support their remarkable faith in their teachers and parents. They believe that their teachers speak the truth but nothing else, so it is very important to live up to that expectation. Trust has to be mutual - the degree to which our children can trust us will later become reflected in their own ability to trust. We have to teach our kids to be simple. It is our responsibility to teach them that they can still fit in their peer circle without flaunting expensive gadgets and trends.  

Written simply by Flyers DGS @ The Doon Girls's School, Dehradun - Vijaya Jugran, Vandana Goel, Urvashi Uniyal, Nandini Arora, Bhumika Vyas and Ritika Tyagi.

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