SUCCESS - Byju Joseph

Success is something that we dream to achieve which is totally different for each one of us. It gives us a feeling of happiness or satisfaction when we gain it. It provides true meaning to our lives.

In order to succeed, the first thing that you need is to have a goal which needs to be attained. It can be anything towards which you have a particular interest or passion.

Secondly, you need to strive for it, being a passionate dreamer. Concentrate more and take up all the risks and pains to achieve it. Work damn hard for it. Give up everything for your dreams but never give up on your dreams. Everything starts with a small dream, so you have to be a dreamer at first. You know that just being a dreamer can do nothing because dreamers cannot be achievers but just dreamers. Only a few achieve their dreams or goals.

You need to be a believer because nothing will happen until you believe.  Others won’t believe but they will somehow make you doubt on your dreams. Always remember those dreams belong to you and it’s your responsibility to turn it into your reality. Others may or may not support you, you will be all alone but just know the path towards success is less crowded and you will be the one there and no one else.

The next thing you need to know is that hard work pays off. If you want to get something you need to give something at first. Here what you give is your hard work, your energy, your efforts, your time, your tears and it is going to pay off. You need to have your courage to handle, your patience and persistence. 

Nothing happens overnight. Everything takes time. Everything starts from nothing. So you need to make it out of scratch. You cannot build an empire in just one day. You need to hold on through your hardships and pain. Successful people know they are going to be successful no matter what,  that’s the faith that they have in their hearts. You should know that success is destined and your goal is your final destination.

Byju Joseph
The Fabindia School, Bali

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