Monday, April 6, 2020

Play, Curiosity & Enthusiasm: Byju Joseph

Being educators we are handling students with different capabilities daily. There are many students who are brilliant. They learn whatever the teacher teaches or individually by their efforts. But there are students who are not interested in learning at all. Teachers and parents put their maximum effort in these students. Then also no visible changes occur in them. This is a serious case that we face nowadays. As Educators, we need to think about this matter and to find out a proper solution.
Interest is one of the important factors to do or to learn something. If there is a curiosity to do something, a strong interest will develop which is the enthusiasm. At this point of view, the teacher has the role to create a situation to develop curiosity in students. The teacher should be able to keep the developed curiosity in students throughout the learning process for better outcomes.
Recent studies have revealed that learning is possible before birth also. The fetus can identify some sounds and is able to respond to them. When a baby is born, it is able to understand many things. A newborn baby can identify its mother easily by smell. If any other person reaches to the baby, it quickly responds.
If we observe children of below 5 years we can realize that they are more curious about knowing many things. They are more energetic and having intense feelings Parents and teachers should carefully handle their queries and eagerness to know.
Albert Einstein says, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” A curious student can be more attentive, which will help them to learn, understand and explore more and more.
Byju P. Joseph
The Fabindia School, Bali

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