Service to Humanity - Urmila Rathore

Service to humanity is service to God.

We all are aware of COVID-19.

The whole world is suffering from this disease. Italy, Spain, America, China etc .are in brutal condition. Even developed countries are still fighting against this curse. Including ours, most of the countries are on lockdown. Lockdown is the safest step to avoid COVID-19 but what will happen to those people who don't have a home, shelter, and money.
In this condition, humanity comes in front of COVID-19 as one because it is not differentiated through caste, creed, gender and religion. Any religion of any human race has come to serve the poor and needy ones in this pandemic.

Many people are serving food packages and have donated money in CM and PM relief fund for saving humanity.

If I say that doctors, nurses, paramedical and police forces are our real heroes and gods
who are serving us, then I would not be wrong.

We can help them by staying at home and it is our duty of every human being to make our universe more beautiful and liveable for all species.

Due to lockdown, our living planet is also healing. Birds and animals also feel comfort without human disturbance, so God keeps all things on the place positively. I hope that governments take sustainable steps when this lockdown is lifted so that the environment does not suffer a rebound increase in emissions(as has happened in the 2008 financial crisis).

With our thinking and actions, we can support our nature, serve love, kindness and hope, soon everything will positively cure and we will win this fight against the Coronavirus.

- Urmila Rathore, The Fabindia School

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