Happiness and Tolerance - Harmony BHIS

-A True Experience of Happiness
It was the month of the occasion, and a new dawn was heralding the advent of the winter season. Our school arranged for a trip to Gwalior during Diwali Vacation. Most of the ninth graders were eager to go for that trip. It was a matter of discontentment for them that they would not be allowed to go for such kind of long journey with their friends when they would be in tenth grade, according to them ‘a pick moment of stress in school life where they need some stress buster’. So, they did not have any desire to lose the opportunity of making merriment with their friends for a few days without any constraints.

Harsh, Vivek, Muskaan, Shreya, Yash and Navjyot were in their ecstatic mood. Staying with friends for five days and nights throughout, it was just a heavenly feeling for them. They didn’t want to be parted from each other at any cost.

As per schedule, along with the other kids and teachers in charge, they boarded the train at Central Mumbai for Gwalior at 3 p.m. At the proper time, they were served with a mouthwatering delicacy like pizzas by the tour guides. The food was of their choice, it had a euphoric impact upon them.

After the allocation of seats, Harsh and Vivek went towards the compartment where their friends were sitting. In this way, they were enjoying the real taste of freedom. How time passed for them, they couldn’t make out; they were so much engrossed in their fun. Gradually, the compartment became noisier and noisier. The other co-passengers had already expressed their grievances at the unnecessary movement of those children and throwing wrappers around in the compartment. Dinner was served on time, after that, most of our kids and the other commuters went to sleep.

For Harsh and Vivek, it was just the outset of their ventures. Then, they did not want to be dictated by anyone. They forgot the lesson they learnt on the fundamental rights and duties. They could hardly remember that they shouldn’t celebrate the moment by intruding on someone’s freedom. The passengers reiterated their complaints. That was the end of their tolerance.

Here the role of a teacher is decided. Accordingly, the teachers played as the harbingers to channelize the children like Harsh and his associates in the right direction. Subsequently, they were made to realize ‘what exactly true happiness means and how it can cross the limit of tolerance if it is misconstrued’. Our innocent kids could quickly then identify that true happiness lies in the joy of achieving someone’s love through the expression of ‘share and care’ and not by impinging on other’s happiness. As it is rightly said by Dalai Lama, "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”
Harmony @ Billabong High International School, Thane 
- Abira Chakraborty, Pooja Khona, Bhumika Ailsinghani, Rajshri Rane, Soniya Kuril, Poonam Choudhary, Kavita Shetty

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