Home access to digital educational resources

Dear Educators:

With students stuck at home, access to digital educational resources has become essential in ensuring that children are still learning while away from school. I am writing to introduce you to an at-home learning solution with complete with e-classroom capabilities that could be highly beneficial to students in India considering the global situation related to COVID-19.

MarkSharks Learning Technologies (MSLT) is a Singapore-based ed-tech company that provides interactive maths and science learning solutions for students in classes 7-10. Our product, MarkSharks, is an eLearning tool that turns mobile devices and tablets into interactive virtual labs where students can question, explore, and understand mathematical and scientific concepts using real-world examples.

In view of today’s situation, we believe this product contains features that now more than ever would be extraordinarily beneficial to students and teachers across the country. To start, teachers can lead live online classes using our content while students follow along on their own devices at home. Moreover, teachers can quickly create assessments for their students and receive real-time student performance data to help address misconceptions immediately.

We would like to offer MarkSharks free of charge to all students until July 31, 2020. The need for creative digital educational solutions is crucial at this time and we would like to do anything we can to help. If someone in your office can contact us, we would be happy to provide more details or a demo of our product. Thank you and please stay safe.

With Compliments

The MarkSharks Team

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