Hope and Friendship - Shivani Rao

Hope is the feeling of expectation and a strong desire for a certain thing to happen. It is
belief that a positive thing will happen out of the harsh circumstances and situation in someone’s life. Hope is the strong feeling that is desired and expected out of circumstances will be that things will turn up for the best. Hope is the essence of life. Many of us could not even live a life of peace without having hope deep inside the heart. Life is unpredictable and goes out of our hand and beyond our control many times. Hope helps us keep the fight on and improves the chances of making our life better.

It helps to keep our eyes wide open for an improved future. I know it’s very hard keeping up with the inner faith during the most critical times, but, those who never leave hope, actually make it till the end. Hope not only gives you the strength to overcome pain, but it also makes the journey for the future easier. Let’s not worry about the fact that today is bad. Hope keeps us telling that tomorrow will be better than this.

Hope keeps us to stay positive. As you know, our mind has lots of effects on our actions. If your mind tells you to stay strong on a path and not to lose courage, you will do so. Hope gives a positive mind power.

Hope will always be the essence of life. It helps us to ignore the sufferings of the present. When we stay positive about our future and feel that we have to fight to win the problems, our probability to succeed increases.

Hope is a belief. You believe something good will happen. With its help, you can make an impossible possible, or win a war. Ask yourself – what you believe. If you believe to have something good in the future and expect it to happen, that is hope. When you keep telling yourself that there will be no more pain and suffering soon, you hope for it. Hope will give you the courage and inspiration to stick to your dream as long as you breathe. If you have a strong aspiration, hope and faith, nothing can bring you down. It let you aim at the sole purpose of your life.

Friends make our life joyful and hopeful True friends do not only share things but also share feelings, emotions, love, etc. Good friends are always there to help us no matter what happens. Sometimes they risk their lives for us. They make us feel comfortable with them. We cannot choose our relatives but we can choose friends. Good friends are great pillars of our lives. It can make us or can break us. Their support can lead us to success or doom.

Shivani Rao
The Fabindia School

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