Thoughtfulness & Understanding - Super7 BHIS

Different people see the world from different perspectives. Very often people do not see eye to eye with one another which leads to misunderstandings. Some choose to mope, groan, and even get angry about the way that themselves or others are treated while some decide to try and do something about it. Still, there are others who think to themselves that maybe the best way to deal with disagreements is to try and comprehend what others mean. This can be done only by the power of understanding. This is a very powerful virtue - if one is understanding enough, he can win the world very easily. An understanding person has more friends than foes and in case of any predicament, he will always have his well-wishers stand up for him as a wall of strength.

Thoughtfulness and understanding are two sides of the same coin- you possibly cannot be one without being the other. A thoughtful person is always considerate about others - he will never spell out anything that might be a cause of pain for someone else.

Thoughtfulness can also describe the intellectual depth - we have all read poems, stories and essays which speak of the thoughtfulness of the writer. Such works can be inspirational - they can motivate others to tread the same path. Only if the members are compassionate enough, can the society progress.

A perfect example to illustrate this would definitely be the current scenario - the unprecedented pandemic has perhaps been the greatest test of the two virtues. This is the time when we had to be thoughtful of each other's needs and work together to combat the disaster. We have seen workers from several sectors such as healthcare, police, emergency workers working on the front line to help others. Each member of the society had to understand the need of the hour and work accordingly. In the field of education, the teachers needed to quickly learn the various facets of technology in order to facilitate uninterrupted learning. Teachers also had to be understanding of the needs and restrictions of the learners and modify the curriculum accordingly. In most sectors, workers tried their best to work from home and employers had been considerate about the requirements of the employees. These are the two virtues which helped the society to move forward even during the phase of lockdown.

Online classes have proved to helpful for the children - the classes reduced their boredom and tried to bring about a little colour and cheer in their lives. Students were enthusiastic about trying on the new platform and could quickly adapt to the change from real to virtual. Students were able to devote time to learning new things without having to visit the schools. They were excited at being able to meet their peers and teachers, albeit virtually. Apart from studies, schools have also planned several Co-Curricular Activities, Yoga Sessions, Motivational Talks to keep the young minds happy and fresh. Rudransh Awasthi, a student of BHIS Thane, will share his views on this topic.

Super 7 @ Billabong High International School, Thane - Sayantani Mukherjee, Dimple Awasthi, Ritu Chitnis, Manjusha Saji, Jyoti Ramdhave, Vijaylaxmi Ramesh & Sumati Muthukumar

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