Thursday, June 18, 2020

Responsibility and Cooperation - Shivani Rao

Cooperation refers to the process of working together to the same end. It can be seen in
the action of people working together in order to achieve results or helping each other out to achieve a common end.

Importance of Cooperation in individual lives: 
— Allows people and group to work together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits. 
— Allows participants to exchange valuable information that helps both sides to improve their knowledge bases.
— The task can be completed on time.
-Uses of resources in an efficient manner.

Educators should introduce cooperative learning within the classroom in order to improve the whole student learning experience. Students should develop and enhance this value in order to succeed in a future professional environment.

Cooperation should be taught from childhood. Students in early age can be moulded in any shape. This value in the child not only helps to gain respect in society but also helps to develop leadership qualities. 

Someone who possesses leadership qualities that means he has the ability to take responsibility. Cooperation builds leadership and leadership comes with a package of responsibility, togetherness, love, patience, unity, and many more.

Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. Responsibility includes honesty, respect, fairness, accountability, and courage. 

Children easily get distracted from the right track. We must see that they should take responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, words and actions and should correct it timely. They should stop blaming and complaining and make themselves happy and live in the present moment.

Examples of Cooperation and Responsibility can be seen during this pandemic period where we all are united and cooperating with the government. Doctors, police officers, sweepers have taken the responsibility to remove Covid-19  from our country.

Shivani Rao
The Fabindia School

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