Humility and Appreciation - Ajay Vijayvargi

Pride makes us artificial;
Humility makes us real.
-Thomas Merton

Humility is the mother of all virtues, it's true as, if we are modest then we will never consider
ourselves to be better than others. In a workplace each one is important. Our workplace is a classroom, where we often find there are some students who are boastful and they think themselves to be superior, now this may be due to family status, personality, appearance, intelligence –there can be lot many reasons but it is the duty of the educator to treat all students equally and explain to them that each one of us is human beings and we are created equal by the almighty. 

If one student is good in one field others can be good in some other skill such as sports, skill (music, drawing etc). So they should be thought to be aware of their own limitations, have self-control, not to tease others, make others feel inferior by their words or deeds.

Secondly, they should be thought to appreciate others which are art, it acts as a motivation for everyone especially students, as it shows one's character and appreciation and motivation has great power in itself as it can change negative thoughts into a positive one.

Thus we see that an educator can play a very vital role in developing moral values in students who in turn will inculcate in themselves will turn them into a good individual for the family, society and nation as a whole.

Ajay Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School

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