Change your Path not Destination - Shivani Rao

'Success is a journey, not a destination.' The doing is often more important than the outcomes.
Made by Adam/ UKG
Focusing on the journey also shines a light on what else you get out of trying to reach your goal. Even you might not need to reach your goal to be successful. Shoot for the moon, even if you missed you will still be among the stars.

In life things happen around us, things happen to us, the only thing s that truly matters is, how you choose to react to it and what learned out of it. Life is all about learning, accepting and converting your struggle into learning. If things go against don't confuse your destination. If plan A didn't work, so what we have 25 letters remaining to try them. Just because it's stormy doesn't mean that you are not for sunshine.

Even rivers never change their destination to merge in the ocean how can we do without trying. Never change yourself for anyone.  We all make mistakes, hurt, disappoint people but do not trap yourself in past happening learn from it and leave it. It's never late to start again, to do what you destined to do. Your circumstances are a reflection of your choice and they can be changed through your power to a wiser decision. Every morning brings a new beginning to use it wisely. You need not required to do great things  to be great, do small things in great ways 

Shivani Rao
The Fabindia School

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