My Good School Day!

18th July will now be My Good School Day
Opening Today at 7 PM India Standard Time

A tailor-made school experience for every individual.
  • Choice of activities - Service, Skill, Sport & Study
  • Find your own Coach/Mentor 
  • Work with your own Peers
  • At your own pace 
  • With your own resources
Personalised learning experience
  • Imagine if you had a record of what you enjoyed, what you learnt and what actually made a difference to your life, through the fifteen years of school -  Early years through K12. This record would help in self-reflection, share the joy of learning and above all help you find a career you love!
  • Your digital portfolio will help you with your projects at school, prepare your essays for college admission and above all house beautiful memories beyond the Baby Book to your real-life story.

My Good School works for the personal and social development of an individual, by offering an environment where experiential learning is made possible through activities beyond just study; this brings to life learning that would otherwise be theoretical and uncoordinated.

Encouraging students to become involved in activities in the community outside the confines of the school curriculum will help develop their confidence, knowledge and networks.

With teachers’ encouraging young people, they can benefit fully from what both the school and outside interests can offer, this can be a key factor in their progressing successfully through adolescence into a fulfilling and rewarding adult life.

Our prime focus is experiential learning for all:
* We assist young people to follow their passion in Service, Skill, Sport and Study.
* The four disciplines form the key elements for delivering quality in education.
* The school may focus on one as their speciality, a good school works to deliver a balance of all.
* The digital portfolio records your journey, achievements and all the learning that makes your personal school experience very special for you.

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