Humility and Appreciation - Swabhi Parmar

Humility is the quality of being humble and means putting the needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others before yourself. It also means not drawing attention to yourself, and it can mean acknowledging that you are not always right. Humility is often characterized as genuine gratitude and lack of arrogance, a modest view of one’s self. To be humble, we must have faith that God will lead us in the best way to live.  

In every aspect of life,  we should be humble to every living being on this planet. This attribute can make us stand different from others. We can have many examples of the people who had humble qualities in their lives and they stood different and they were loved by all. For example:- Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and so on. You should have the ability to embrace humility in real life and this could only come to you when you appreciate the efforts of others. 

Both the values of humility and appreciation are interconnected to each other. Appreciation can do wonders. It can motivate a person to a great extent. It can make a person work to its full productivity as it is a fact that every person in the institution has enormous potential in different areas. Appreciation can be characterized by interest, attention, devotion and friendliness. A humble person gets maximum appreciation in life. 

Humility and appreciation go hand in hand. By getting proper appreciation, we feel like we are important in other people’s lives. We all need to be noticed and valued. Appreciation is the core of every healthy relationship and Humility is self-awareness and empathy and these things are in short supply these days but if we have them then they are truly helpful. So we should be humble and appreciate every one. We should try and appreciate small acts of kindness. We should inculcate good values in us before we expect it from others. This is the key to real happiness.

Swabhi Parmar
The Fabindia School

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