Be Yourself - Monika Vaishnav

A few days before, I was watching a TV show and in that episode, a famous poet was invited. He was
too good at writing poetries and reciting them in his own way. Meanwhile, the host asked the audience to ask questions to the guest. One boy who was sitting in the audience stood up and said, "Sir, you are a good poet, I would like to recite a few lines of your poem in your way."  The poet said, "yes please." The boy recited and got the appreciation of the audience. Then, he said, "Give me blessings, I want to be like you, you are a famous poet, I hope I could also recite the poem the way you did." Then the poet said, "if you really want to do something in life, don't copy me or anyone else, be yourself, be like you. 

Come up with your originality, create your own version. Write your own poems and give them your own new style of reciting it. This will lead you to success.  That thing really inspired me. He meant that rather than concentrating on becoming like any stars or anyone, we need to give time to develop our own style. It's good to get inspired by others, learning good things from others but until you don't have your own talent or skills, you can't get success. 

I truly believe that everybody is blessed with some or other skills and we need to enhance it with hard work and regular practices. That thing really inspired me. We need to identify our skills and have faith in ourselves. We need to focus on our own style of performing our excellence, this will create a difference in our life. What would have happened if Sachin Tendulkar left cricket and ran for becoming doctor or engineer or what would have happened if he also played like any of the famous players of his time, would he be what is today? The answer is no. So we must observe and be ourselves to go ahead and achieve success in life. 

Monika Vaishnav
The Fabindia School

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