Work Integrated Learning - Ajay Vijayvargi

It is a pedagogical practice whereby students come to learn from the integration of experiences in
educational and workplace settings. It basically consists of three steps:
Systematic Training
Structured Work Experience and
Institutional Partnerships.
Systematic Training – The workplace for a person can be the best place to be trained as there he will be exposed to real-life situations and environment, so the learning will be stepwise as he will be trained from a beginner to an expert. It can be difficult to provide these conditions at some other place. E.g. apprenticeship.
Structured Work Experience – This will help in making him familiar with the work during a +2 education program and can be in the form of field experiences, internships or professional practices at the workplace.
Institutional Partnerships – The +2 education should be added to service learning in an institution so that community and service goals can be achieved. Some examples of Work Integrated Learning are - Work-Study, Sandwich Courses, Practicum. Placement, Field Experiences and Internships etc.  
Courtesy – Master Classes by Scoonews.
Ajay Vijayvargi - The Fabindia School  Email: 

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